Reconciling the differences between different version of bills is an arduous process. With the help of Legi-Mate®, that process just got a little easier to manage.
Our system helps you confidently and collaboratively track and resolve the ins-and-outs of each item under review. Further, the drafting of report language is done concurrently in the same application, saving time and bringing unparalleled efficiency to the process. Both houses securely work together while maintaining control over their own responsibilities within the process.
Side-by-sides have never looked this easy to contend with.
In response to the COVID-19 shutdown, we applied our existing Legi-Mate® technology to quickly turn-around an amendment submission and management system to allow committee hearings to continue remotely. Our system is designed to be used both before a hearing and live during a hearing to deal with all the quick submissions, withdraws, and changes in outcome that happen with amendments.
The real world results speak for themselves: Amendment hearing process completed ahead of schedule despite the largest number of amendments in the most challenging of circumstances. "Flawless" according to our client.
Entirely digital system to manage Members' requests/submission of data; NO MORE BINDERS! Whether it is programmatic information or earmark requests you are collecting, each personal office has a unique login to submit and prioritize their detailed requests securely online. Committee Staff can manage the requests through extensive reporting and other robust tools all the way through Conference. Each request can also be linked to the specific section of the bill and report through integration with TeamDocs®.
Some committees write report language that is thousands of sections and hundreds of pages long. It's a nightmare to try to manage something like that using MS Word but unbelievably, that is what many committees do. Our system incorporates layers of checks and balances and a rigorous approval process. You can have confidence that your files, whether they are one page or 10,000, will be accurate, all relevant people can mange their own piece seamlessly, and best of all, you can save the documents as templates so year after year you don't have to reinvent the wheel.
This system can be customized to handle projects, meeting agendas, or any workflow process that requires the input of a large group.
Sure you have LOC to keep track of some aspects of bill action and you may have a document repository for some hearing information but how do you keep track of witnesses, Questions for the Record, sequential referral of bills, bill packages, and a litany of other information? When your boss asks you how many times that witness has testified or what happened to this authorization bill two Congresses ago, you now have the information at your fingertips.
The Washington Post recently reported on the number of required reports federal agencies must provide to Congress. And some of them just get lost or nobody even knows when they are supposed to be delivered and to whom. Now with Legi-Mate, you can keep track of every report from every agency and know if they come in on time.
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